CHAIRMAN’S REPORT MARCH 2020 AND MARCH 2021 I hereby submit a somewhat delayed Chairman’s Report for March 2020. Unfortunately, the country-wide lockdown due to COVID 19 prevented a timely submission. However, it gives me great pleasure to present it to you now - the Chairman’s Report...
Dear Yaseen. I will write this email in english, allthough the Northern Cape is very afrikaans. The baking for our farmer’s project started in November 2019. The Save the Sheep empowerment team allready was in process to bake for the holliday and Christmas season to generate...
CHASA Sports Shooting submission for Return-to-Play Letter ...
Dear Cape Hunt Member NEW FIREARMS AMNESTY - 1 AUGUST 2020 TO 31 JANUARY 2021 Please be informed that a new firearms amnesty was declared on Friday 31 July 2020. The amnesty will run from 1 August 2020 until 31 January 2021. Below please find the links to...